2. Running Pickaxe via Command Line

Pickaxe supports running through a command line interface, but does not offer the full functionality available through writing a python script pickaxe_run.rst.

2.1. Command Line Interface Features

$ python pickaxe.py -h
usage: pickaxe.py [-h] [-C COREACTANT_LIST] [-r RULE_LIST] [-c COMPOUND_FILE] [-v] [-H] [-k] [-n] [-m PROCESSES] [-g GENERATIONS] [-q] [-s SMILES] [-p PRUNING_WHITELIST] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-d DATABASE] [-u MONGO_URI] [-i IMAGE_DIR]

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Specify a list of coreactants as a .tsv
-r RULE_LIST, --rule_list RULE_LIST
                        Specify a list of reaction rules as a .tsv
                        Specify a list of starting compounds as .tsv or .csv
-v, --verbose         Display RDKit errors & warnings
-H, --explicit_h      Specify explicit hydrogen for use in reaction rules.
-k, --kekulize        Specify whether to kekulize compounds.
-n, --neutralise      Specify whether to neturalise compounds.
                        Set the max number of processes.
                        Set the numbers of time to apply the reaction rules to the compound set.
-q, --quiet           Silence warnings about imbalanced reactions
-s SMILES, --smiles SMILES
                        Specify a starting compound SMILES.
                        Specify a list of target compounds to prune reaction network down to.
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        The directory in which to write files.
-d DATABASE, --database DATABASE
                        The name of the database to store results.
-u MONGO_URI, --mongo_uri MONGO_URI
                        The URI of the mongo database to connect to. Defaults to mongodb://localhost:27017
-i IMAGE_DIR, --image_dir IMAGE_DIR
                        Specify a directory to store images of all created compounds

2.2. Examples

2.2.1. Generate and Save Data to Local directory

This is the simplest example of using the command line interface. It accepts coreactant, rule, and compound files and expands to generations before saving the results in .tsv files in a provided directory.

python pickaxe.py -r /path/to/rules.tsv -C path/to/coreactants.tsv -c /path/to/compounds.tsv -g 2 -o /path/to/output/

2.2.2. Generate and Save Data to a Mongo Database

It is possible to save to a mongo database, either locally or remotely. This option works with writing a .tsv as well, and will write to both locations.

Local Mongo Server Running the following will use, by default, mongodb://localhost:27017 as the mongo URI.

python pickaxe.py -r /path/to/rules.tsv -C path/to/coreactants.tsv -c /path/to/compounds.tsv -g 2 -d database_name

Specific Mongo Server Alternatively, a [specific Mongo URI can be specified](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/connection-string/), allowing for the use of password protected databases and remote databases.

python pickaxe.py -r /path/to/rules.tsv -C path/to/coreactants.tsv -c /path/to/compounds.tsv -g 2 -d database_name -u mongodb://myDBReader:D1fficultP%40ssw0rd@mongodb0.example.com:27017/?authSource=admin

2.2.3. Generate with Multiple Processes and Pruning Final Network

This example uses 4 processes to run and prunes the final network to contain only compounds that are specified and any compounds required to generate them from the starting compounds.

python pickaxe.py -r /path/to/rules.tsv -C path/to/coreactants.tsv -c /path/to/compounds.tsv -g 2 -o /path/to/output/ -m 4 -p /path/to/pruning_targets.tsv